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Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
The Giovanni Boccaccio Page
Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy
bibliography of translations of Medieval texts
The Book of the Courtier - Renascence Editions
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Brut Chronicle
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
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Book of the Duchesse
The Canterbury Tales Project
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Chaucer Bibliography
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
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Geoffrey Chaucer's
Book of the Duchess
Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word: Money, Images, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry
The House of Fame
The Legend of Good Women
The New Chaucer Society
The Parliament of Fowles
Troilus and Criseyde
A Chronological Index of Poets by Birth Date in Representative Poetry On-Line
The Classics Page at Ad Fontes Academy
Confessio Amantis
Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
Dante Alighieri
Building a Modern Hell - Dante's vs. Niven & Pournelle's Inferno
Chancery and Comedy - Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy
Dante Alighieri on the Web
Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word: Money, Images, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry
Dante's Divine Comedy
Dante's Hell
Dante's Hell
The Dante Home Page
Dante on One Government
Dante Society: DanteNet
Dartmouth Dante Project
Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete
Homepage for Dante
Letter to Can Grande (Selections)
ORB - Dante Alighieri - A Guide to Online Resources
Renaissance Dante in Print
The World of Dante
Diplomatarium Norvegicum (1150 to 1570)
Early Manuscripts at Oxford University
Early Modern Literary Studies
Extant Manuscripts of Rabanus's De rerum naturis
Literature and the Middle Time
Edmund Spenser
Edmund Spenser Home Page
Renascence Editions - Edmund Spenser
The Faerie Queen
in pdf
Erasmus Text Project
Gutenberg Digital
The Ilardi Microfilm Collection: Renaissance Diplomatic Documents (ca.1450 -- 1500; photographic facsimiles)
Jerusalem Delivered
Labyrinth Library Main Directory
Luminarium - William Langland (ca.1330-1387)
Piers Plowman Electronic Archive
Piers Plowman Facsimiles
The Lay of the Cid
Medieval Sourcebook - Niccol D Machiavelli (1469-1527) - The Ancients and Liberty, Excerpt from Discourses II, 2
Medieval Sourcebook - Niccol D Machiavelli (1469-1527) - Founding a Republic, Excerpt from Discourses I, 9
Medieval Sourcebook - Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) - History of Florence - Lorence de' Medici
Medieval Sourcebook - Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) - The Prince, 1513
Medieval Sourcebook - Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince [excerpts], 1513
Modern History Sourcebook - Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) - Essay On Machiavelli, 1850
The Prince
Medieval & Early Modern Europe: documents from Hanover College (transcriptions)
Medieval Sourcebook - Full Text Sources
Medieval Sourcebook - Petrus Paulus Vergerius - The New Education (c. 1400)
Medieval Writing
Middle English
An anthology of Chancery English
Glossarial Database of Middle English
The Middle English Collection
Middle English Compendium
Middle English electronic texts
Teams Middle English Texts
"'Thirti dayes hath November': Time and Life in Middle English Verse" by RoseMary Greentree
Michigan Early Modern English Materials
The Norton Anthology of English Literature
The Norton Anthology of English Literature - Middle Ages
The Norton Anthology of English Literature - 16th Century
On-Line Literary Research Tools: Medieval
On-Line Literary Research Tools: Renaissance
Orlando Furioso
Francesco Petrarch
Francesco Petrarch
Francis Petrarch
Francis Petrarch -
Familiar Letters
Medieval Sourcebook - Petrarch - The Ascent of Mount Ventoux
Medieval Sourcebook - Francesco Petrarch - Letters, c 1372
Petrarch's Preface to His Familiar Letters
World Civilization Virtual Library - Petrarch
Professor James W. Marchand Translations
de dialectica
Auxentius on Wulfila
Berceo's "Milagros" - Prologue
de barbarismo
de ceteriis vitiis
Monosticha Catonis (Cato's Monostichs)
Prologue to the biblical Codex Brixianus
Pangur Bán
Reading the Book of the Heart from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century
Renaissance Electronic Texts
Renascence Editions
Representative Poetry Online - Poetry Authors Index
Robert Henryson
The Rossetti Archive
The Shepheardes Calender
in pdf
Sir Philip Sidney's
Defence of Poesie
in pdf
Sixteenth Century Renaissance English Literature (1485-1603)
The Song of Roland
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
The Tech Classics Archive
The Testament of Cresseid by Robert Henryson
A Time-Line of Poetry in English 858-1998
Translations from Medieval Sources
Thomas Usk's
Testament of Love
François Villon
The Ballad of Dead Ladies
Medieval Sourcebook - Fran"ois Villon - Ballades
Three Translations from Francois Villon, 1450
Voice of the Shuttle: Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature
Yahoo: Medieval Literature
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